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Middle School Counseling Information

(Please note, this page is still being developed)

A student can contact their teacher, Ms. Tana or parents can call or email me with concerns. 

Middle School can be a challenging time. But your teachers and staff are here to help you succeed.

Career Exploration has some great resources for students wanting to begin exploring career paths.
Please note, students must be at least 13 to register on this site.  It is free and recommended.

Other Resources

·Parent Involvement at the Middle School Level:
What is middle school?  What are middle school students like? Why is it important for parents to be involved at the middle school level?  How will your child and your school benefit from your involvement?  What can parents do in the middle school?  These are just a few questions that will be answered while visiting this web site.
·A Handbook for parents of students in the Middle School years:
This guidebook will help you and your child understand the important steps you need to take during the middle school years to get ready for college.
·Family Education:
Be prepared to deal with the teenage years.  Find advice on every aspect of your child's education and learning, discover parent-approved entertainment ideas, and learn how to handle the many issues that commonly arise in households with adolescents.
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