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Board Goals and Objectives

School District Mission (under Policy AD) is:  The Elbert County School District C-2 shall strive to provide a safe environment for all students and staff and meaningful opportunities and innovative educational programs for all students so that they reach their learning potential, including the attainment of district academic standards, through partnerships between home, school, and the community.

Kiowa School District Goals and Objectives (under Policy ADA) include:

    • Student Achievement and Learning Opportunities
    • Staff Recruitment and Development
    • Effective Communication
    • Marketing of Kiowa Schools
    • Fiscal Management

There is also a Strategic Plan under this same policy. 

Maintain Fiscal Management – Be accountable for the accurate and responsible spending of taxpayer funds and maintain the public trust in this endeavor. Through the Administration of the District, ensure that all staff and students are equipped with the necessary tools, technology, and facilities to succeed in all activities. Responsible spending includes providing an adequate reserve for the future and advising the public of any information – unless confidential by statute or policy - needed to understand the district's spending.

Student Achievement and Learning Opportunities – The mission of Kiowa Schools is to graduate competitive, well-rounded, active citizens and to empower students to maximize their potential through the cooperative efforts of the school, family, and community. To reach this goal and mission, the Board will aspire to teach each student on an individual basis to make sure each student achieves state standards and graduates with the knowledge and skills to accomplish everything they hope for in their adult lives. 

Staff Recruitment, Development, and Retention—The Board will make every effort to recruit and retain highly qualified employees for each position within the district. To achieve this goal, the Board will provide programs that enhance staff development so everyone is highly effective in their position. This also includes other incentives to retain staff. The Board shall provide training for all staff within the district's budget.

Effective Communication - Communication is the cornerstone of success for Kiowa Schools. The Board, as the guiding force, sets the standard for open and honest interaction with the community, parents, students, staff, and administration. We believe in full transparency as the standard, and we strive to be available to explain and help anyone understand the workings of the district. As a testament to our commitment, the Board shall post a newsletter on the district website at the beginning of each semester, informing the community of topics on which the Board is acting.


March 20, 2024


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